Christian teens and sexuality

I go to a Christian school myself, and well I’m also bisexual but have a preference for girls. So you know how Christianity sees homosexuality as “sinful”. But every time I go to school I feel like I’m heavily, heavily being judged and pressured down to be straight. I’ve tried to force myself to be straight by thinking about what Christianity thinks about homosexuality, I’ve forced myself to watch straight p0rn and I’ve also told myself if I don’t become straight I’m gonna go to hell. I find myself crying at night a lot and having nightmares about going to Hell. Another thing to add on is I’m pretty sure my school follows purity culture and its harmful effects kinda. An example is victims of sexual assault go to hell. So now I feel even more guilty because I was sexually assaulted when I was nine so now I feel like I’m worthless and useless and no matter how much I pray it will never be enough for God. So I guess I’m just dealing with a lot of internalized homophobia and guilt.

Edit: alright I’m gonna clear some space, my school does not believe you’ll go to hell for being raped, that’s just a belief of purity culture because I study purity culture and it’s beliefs sometimes. So it’s affecting me a little. But the beliefs my school does follow about purity culture is: Having sex before marriage is sinful, wearing miniskirts is sinful and maybe a few others. I am so sorry so sorry if I confused literally anyone, I’m autistic and we’ll struggle to explain things sometimes😟so sorry once again.