Favorite non 1975 song?
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\ntouching yourself -the japanese house
\nLove it! The newest album is full of bangers :)
\ni have an iteiad tattoo it\u2019s so good \ud83e\udee3
\nPerfect song, on my top 10!!
\nLOVE. the Japanese house. Got to see Amber open for Maggie Rogers last year and it was phenomenal.
\nThe Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
\nOn my top 100, love this song and its lyrics
\nSame! Tryna make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die
\nAnd the violins :D
Everybody Lost Somebody by Bleachers
\nHow to Disappear Completely - Radiohead
\nall time goat is 715 CREEKS by Bon Iver
\n\nmore recent obsession has been everything Jane Remover touches, but especially Dead forever under her venturing moniker
\nKills me every single time - especially the Duluth performance: https://youtu.be/TLQo1JpQwIk?si=O-VLjYXy3xo1KzjE
\n\nOUCHHHHHHHHH \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d IT HURTS
\nthis one\u2019s especially rough after seeing what he had to say about it in that new yorker interview too. super stoked about the new album announcement tho + i love dijon and haim so im happy they\u2019re both on the mix!
\nSo glad to see a Jane mention. Dead Forever is so sick! Can't wait for the album on Friday.
\n\nHard to point to a favorite, but it'd probably either be Fling, Idling Somewhere, or Video off of Census Designated
\nVideo is so insane, i really loved the vibe of Census and i think the venturing album will be more in that direction as opposed to the Jane solo album that's also due out soon?
\nNo I totally agree and think you're spot on! I'm feeling like the venturing album is gonna break my heart while Jane's is gonna melt my brain
\nI\u2019m obsessing over Etta Marcus\u2019s debut album but specifically the song \u201cTheatre\u201d.
\n\n\u201cSun Bleached Flies\u201d by Ethel Cain is also on repeat
\nGod loves you, but not enough to save you
\nOne of my favorite lyrics ever written \ud83e\udee0
\nSAME. Like\u2026damn
\nSo baby girl good luck taking care of yourself \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffc\ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffc
\nthat etta marcus song was awesome!! I like sun bleached flies, but i prefer most of the album more tbh
\nAhh thats so fun you listened!! Love her. She\u2019s another Brit I think. Ethel\u2019s entire album is incredible. Did you listen to Perverts yet??
\nI adore Ethel Cain, but frankly perverts was not rlly that good \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d. I get her idea was to filter fake fans but like I\u2019ve enjoyed every Ethel release up until pervert.
\nThat\u2019s fair. It\u2019s definitely something I won\u2019t listen to consistently but I watched her youtube video explaining her personal philosophy on God and creativity (which I gathered is the basis of the album from a reddit sub?? Still unsure) and then it made a lot of sense but also I think it\u2019s an album where you have to treat it like a movie and go in with an edible \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02
\nDude this Etta Marcus album is incredible idk how I didn\u2019t know abt it
\nThat\u2019s how I felt when I discovered it. Spotify Daylists are the besttttt
\nPoison Oak by Bright Eyes hasn't left #1 since it came out in 2005 (omg that was 20 years ago kill me)
\n\u201ci\u2019m glad you got away, but i\u2019m still stuck out here\u201d pierces me every time. just saw them on friday night and it was amazing, here\u2019s poison oak
\nThank you for sharing this - that lyric change from steam to dreams \ud83d\ude2d
\nGod damn, I (31M) haven\u2019t heard that song since I was probably 13. I\u2019m not trying to cry today! \ud83d\ude05
\nI just listened today for the first time and this blew me away!! Wow
\nNot strong enough- boygenius
\nBOYG REPRESENT \ud83e\udee1\ud83e\udee1
\nany 1975 fans here also into heavier music?? \nNo songs in particular, but I\u2019ve been really fckn with BMTH, Bad Omens, WARGASM UK, Deftones, Architects and Loathe lately\u2026 1975 are one of my favorite bands of all time but sonically they\u2019re a bit of a wild card for me lmao
\nwhat would you define as heavy? cus im a huge shoegaze guy; it's my top genre, but idk if that's what you mean by heavy.
\nnot even gonna try and define heavy cause the metal gatekeepers will come after me \ud83e\udd23 so uhhh anything that errs more aggressive, loud, dark, etc. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f
\n\nShoegaze is fckn awesome, I love listening to all kinds of shoegaze artists while I\u2019m working!
\nLove Deftones, Koi No Yokan is one of my all time favorite albums
\n\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0fYou're literally me and I'm literally you bro hahaha\nBmth and bad omens especifically have recently become my favorite bands apart the 1975
\n\u201chopp\u00edpolla\u201d by sigur r\u00f3s!
\nLove sigur ros
\nJust like Heaven- the cure
\nthe ghost has no home - cocteau twins \none more time - the cure \ntechnically - teezo touchdown \nIII and getting worse - rosegarden funeral party \ni believe - caroline polachek
\nLove Cocteau twins
\nMy all time favorite is Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer.
\n\nBut my newest obsessed is The Feeling by Nightly.
\nPachuca Sunrise by Minus The Bear, Holly Hox Forget Me Nots by Saves the Day, Exit Music (For A Film) by Radiohead, Bad Mouth by Fugazi
\n\nEdit to add for recent stuff: Hypersonic Missiles by Sam Fender
\nExit music is awesome
\nthis must be the place by talking heads :)
\nFeeling Whitney by Post Malone
\n\nFrancesca by Hozier
\n\nFrom Eden by Hozier
\n\nFavourite by Fontaines DC
\n\nDon\u2019t Think Twice, It\u2019s Alright by Bob Dylan
\nDon\u2019t Think Twice is also my fav Dylan song. there\u2019s a cover of it that appears in the Ralph Bakshi film American Pop that\u2019s actually the one i first fell in love with, but as far as i know, it was never released in full?
\nNot sure! Another great cover is a VERY young, tattoo-less post Malone on his old YouTube channel. Highly recommend
\nRhapsody in Blue
\nB\u00e9la Fleck, an amazing jazz/bluegrass banjo virtuoso, released a killer interpretation of Rhapsody last year!
\nDef top tier classical jazz
\nWeird Fishes / Arpeggi by Radiohead
\nI don\u2019t even think I could pinpoint just one song as a favorite since I\u2019ve lived almost 6 decades on this rock \ud83d\ude1c\nBut if you ask me a couple that are go to\u2019s when I\u2019m sad, they would be Love Hurts by Nazareth or Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison
\ni'm super into obsessive by chase atlantic
\nheaven and back is on my top 100! chase isn't really my thing but i really appreciate their stuff
\ndude u gotta listen to their old shit!!! they're super inspired by 75 and they've seen em live like 4 times.
\nu got a good early song req? im only rlly familiar with swim, heaven and back, and their feature on the ELIO song with no rome
\ni'm gonna be so honest all of the paradise ep and nostalgia ep is the most 75 similar BUT if you want to explore just chase, PHASES the album is fucking PHENOMENAL
\ndamn the rateyourmusic needs to piss off. These ratings are abysmal but i bet it's way better than these pretentious critics give it credit for
\nwhat the fuuuckkk??? yeah no that's absolutely diabolical. even BID would be a good rec as well as their self titled AND LIH. chase is extremely diverse with their music like 75 and i'm sure you'll find something you like in all of it without a doubt
\nfor sure! heaven and back is too good for them to not have other hits! TbF rateyourmusic also hates the '75 and tends to shit on music thats demographic is mostly teenage girls but those ratings are REALLY harsh lmfao. Thanks for your suggestions though!
\nabsolutely no problem!! pls dm me once u listen to them <3 id love to be updated
\nfor sure
\nedge of desire - john mayer
\n"Something Comforting" by Porter Robinson
\nWhat once was - Her\u2019s
\n\nDont delete the kisses - Wolf Alice
\n\nThe whole of the moon - The Waterboys
\n\nNever going back again - Fleetwood Mac
\n\nGold dust woman - Fleetwood Mac
\n\nBack on 74 - Jungle
\n\nThe sweet escape - Gwen Stefani
\n\nNever felt so alone - Labrinth
\nWow everyone is so depressed, I love it. Mine has been Mayoiga by Hitsujibungaku since it came out in 2021.
\nFast Slow Disco - St. Vincent
\nMan in the Mirror
\n\nCome on Eileen
\n\nAlways Be My Baby by Mariah
\n\nMy Favourite Mistake by Sheryl Crow
\n\nI Cant Make You Love Me-Bonnie Rait
\n\nthe list goes on :)
\nTuna in the Brine - silverchair
\n\nThis song has been imprinted on me for decades.
\nthe mar\u00edas are so good
\nthe gillette cavalcade of sports - glassjaw
\nJumpsuit - twenty one pilots
\nDrops of Jupiter- Train
\nYes! Apparently its about losing a mum (Pat Monahan heard it in a dream) - such intersting concept because at first it seems like a song about an ex with angry undertones - but the anger is part of grief and it makes sense
\nGood point :)
\nMy absolute favourite of all time is Heroes by David Bowie \nBut also happiness by Taylor Swift and Hard Feelings/Loveless by Lorde
\nHamilton Bohannon 'Let's start the dance'. \nUnderworld 'Rez/ Cowgirl'.\nAlison Limerick 'Where Love Lives'
\nFlipper by pasteboard
\nTo the bone by Pamungkas!!
\noasis - rockin chair
\nRight now it\u2019s This Is Life- Winnetka Bowling League, Dawes
\nThis changes almost weekly, but right now it's Arm's Length - Garamond
\nHe gets me so high by beabadoobee \nNarcissist by No Rome\nI might say something stupid by Charli xcx\nJune baby by Victoria Canal\nScreen cleaner by George Daniel\n102 by Matty Healy\nLost boys by Drive like I do
\nbut what if my only personality trait is the 1975
\nrecently Tokyo by Julien Baker has been on repeat
\nStable Song - Gregory Alan Isakov
\n\nStop This Train - John Mayer
\n\nStand By Me - Ben E. King
\n\nSeptember - Earth Wind and Fire
\n\nTejano Blue - Cigarettes After Sex
\nMe & my dog - boygenius
\n\nOverdrive - maggie rogers
\nDoomed by bring me the horizon, I'm honored to say I'm also kinda a rock/metal head \ud83d\ude1d
\nBroken Social Scene - \u201cFinish Your Collapse and Stay For Breakfast\u201d
\nLatin Mafia vivo si me exiges
\nStar Shopping by peep
\nI am so bad at picking single songs, I have to do albums..Rumours - Fleetwood Mac, Either/Or - Elliot Smith, Grace - Jeff Buckley, Hounds of Love - Kate Bush, Kind of Blue - Miles Davis, Blue - Joni Mitchell, Tapestry - Carole King
\nBeen obsessed with Bad Suns recently. Tbh their discography is great
\nBeen obsessed with Bad
\n\nSuns recently. Tbh
\n\nTheir discography is great
\n\n- midnightvelvet12
\n\nI detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.
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\nall the rage back home ~ Interpol \nMy favorite song of all time
\nSpawn Again - Silverchair
\nNever forget me - Florence \nMoves - suki Waterhouse \nGibson girl - Ethel Cain \nCall it what you want - Taylor Swift \nChampagne coast - blood orange \nChoreomania - Florence