How to cope with difficult colleagues
Hey folks!
I want to keep things vague to protect my privacy... but I've worked in a hospital setting for the last 5 years. The first 4 years were an absolute dream job. I had an amazing team (with two exceptions), felt I was doing good work well, got amazing and free supervision even though I'm licensed .
Within the last year, there's been huge management changes that took away some of the benefits (like supervision) and one by one, everyone on my team left except the two people I don't get along with.
I find them to be condescending, negative, bitter, angry people. They constantly bring up my age - one of them called me a "kid" last week (I am 33 years old and have been licensed for 6 years. They are 39 and 55. The 39 year old has been licensed for 10 years and the 55 year old has only been licensed for two years). The way they talk about their clients is so unkind - it does not seem to me that they actually enjoy being therapists.
They often lie or twist stories to put themselves on top, and have thrown me under the bus on multiple occasions. There have been several instances of me wanting to propose a change to management, in private they say it's a great idea that they will support, and then in the meeting with management they tear the ideas down.
It is bizarre. I try to be compassionate towards them and give them the benefit of the doubt, but i've been watching this for 5 years and it has only gotten worse in the last year. I do my best to avoid them (e.g. they eat lunch together most days, I eat in my office). But at the end of the day we are on a team and I cannot avoid working with them.
When I have set boundaries in the past I have literally been yelled at. And then when I said they cannot speak to me that way, they yelled at me again and told our boss that describing it as yelling was "overdramatic," and literally nothing happened to them. I feel pretty trapped because they react so negatively to any boundary setting, no matter how firm or gentle.
I really don't want to leave. I make good money, the benefits are unmatched in my area, and I do like the work I get to do. I have a lot of freedom in my day-to-day decision making.