What’s an actual critique you have of the show?

Was there a plot line that wasn’t resolved? Was there a character that didn’t really fit? Was there something that just never made sense to you?

For me, it was that there was this whole story about Melfi drinking before her sessions with Tony, and then that just randomly stops? It was made out to seem like a big deal and then it just was dropped.

Honorable mention is that some characters just show up with no introduction. Benny and Gene came to mind. They get further development down the line, but they just randomly appear one day and we’re not supposed to question it.

EDIT: I can’t believe I forgot to mention it: Artie and Charmaine getting back together. I get it. It’s not a huge point in the show, but when you devote a large part of a screen time to a character’s unhappiness with their marriage and it’s suddenly resolved off screen…that’s just odd.