TIFU by not following the #1 rule of knife safety.

So, I work on call. Have up to a 70 mile commute each way, and alongside my wife am attempting to raise a puppy alongside my 145lb dog. The lack of sleep is catching up to me. Got used to working late and sleeping in late. The puppy can’t go more than 3 hours without a potty break. So yesterday thinking I had a moment of peace just before calling it bedtime I decided to cut up some summer sausage and a nice block of Manchego. Well like the title says it’s decided to cut towards myself to remove a small piece of the rind that had a little mold on it. Well the knife made it through the rind and directly into my finger. lol I don’t think it’s infected but man am I grateful for dermabond in my first aid kit. Bled like a sieve. TL:DR Decided to cut towards myself. Learned a good lesson about serrated kitchen knives. THEYRE SHARP.