5 years of having tinnitus summed up in this post

i went through the first phase of trying to figure out what the fuck caused the tinnitus,

  • thought it was the TMJ, jaw problem
  • thought it was maybe a tumour
  • thought it was something to do with the neck
  • etc, list goes on

I gradually developed symptoms in this order:

  1. TMJ (had occasional jaw clicking prior to start of tinnitus, which later got a bit more apparent)
  2. Tinnitus
  3. Eye floaters
  4. Hearing sensitivity
  5. Blurry vision
  6. Tinnitus became more reactive to movement of jaw/neck/ applying pressure on sides of head.
  7. hear some clicking at back of neck when doing chin tuck, or at the jaw?
  8. later on it progressed so badly, that sitting with poor posture would spike tinnitus or just laying in bed and applying pressure on head.

After a few years i began to realize, its probably something to do with the blatantly obvious fact that all my life i been sat on chair and rarely did any exercise.

So the changes i did to help all problems above are the following:

  • Switched to a more firmer bed from a springy one to a nice uhh foam or something thats firm.
  • Got an office operator chair, good for posture.
  • Height adjustable desk.
  • Started practicing proper sitting posture and ensure that monitor is at eye level.


  • Push ups
  • Squats
  • Rows
  • Pull ups
  • Dead bug
  • Bridges
  • Bird dog
  • Pike push up

(google those if unsure how to do them)

The result of the above:

Tinnitus is significantly less reactive or impactfull, i rarely give tinnitus a thought anymore.

All the other symptoms have improved. Although eye floaters are sometimes there.

That said, i probably didn't get the full benefit of doing those exercises coz i recently got a bit lazy and skipped them for a bit. and the reason i got lazy is that once those exercises have relieved my tinnitus, i lost motivation to work out lmao, its like a cycle of exercises help tinnitus and then i get lazy to workout without motivation

All that said, what do i think was the cause of my tinnitus?

I think, that its the occipital area behind the head, right at the back of the head at both left and right side.

And i think that area has nerves being compressed due to muscles being strained from poor posture led by weak back muscles, weak neck muscles, and poor posture that ive developed throughout years of lack of exercise and sitting.

I would pin the cause down to occiptial area, and its nerves, TMJ, and weak back muscles and poor posture.