Husband wants to punish our 4 year old for wetting the bed.

My husband says he is now going to "take over" because he feels I'm not doing a good enough job convincing my 4 year old son to stop wetting the bed. Several months ago my husband started punishing our son for wetting his pants. He was regressing like most kids do when they are potty training. He did great all summer having a dry diaper at night and using a potty chart during the day. Then I stopped the potty chart and of course he went back to wetting himself. My husband became impatient and started making my son son run up and down the stairs and down to our mailbox (it's a pretty long driveway especially for a toddler) every time he wet himself. I hated this and begged him to stop and we had a huge fight. I went back to using the potty chart this fall but my husband refuses to let him have a sticker because he thinks he should be dry during the day AND night. I think it's totally unfair. He rarely has an accident during the day now but still wets his diaper at night. I tell my son all the time that he needs to get up in the night to go potty but he sleeps too soundly. I've tried waking him as well but sometimes he still goes. But I feel like thats ok. He's 4. However, my husband is again fed up. He said next week hes going to take over and start punishing him his way again. I said this won't fix anything but he refuses to listen to me. I hate seeing my little boy cry knowing something cruel is about to happen to him when I know it's not his fault. How can I convince my husband to stop his ridiculous punishments? I told him we should call the pediatrician to ask her opinion but he doesnt care. I told him he'll never find a thing on the Internet or find any evidence that punishment for bed wetting is effective. What do I do?