My 4 year old is so loud

My just-turned-4 kiddo has developed a penchant for yelling. Not in a bad way though, I guess. He happily yells songs all day long. Yells in excitement. Yells in surprise. You get it. Sometimes he'll forget he's right by my ear and he'll turn to yell something and bust my eardrums(not actually). He was a really quiet and chill baby up until 3.5 yrs. He started 3k this year and that seemed to trigger a growth spurt. With that came the loudness. I get overstimulated easily and I grew up in an environment where I was not able to be myself or make much noise. I was told very often that I was too much. So the new loudness is very triggering. If being loud and extroverted is who he is now, I don't want to dim his light by telling him to be quieter. At least, not at home where I want him to feel like he can be himself. His safe space. We do tell him that at school and other public spaces he needs to follow rules and use his inside voice, but outside and at home he is allowed to use his big voice. We remind him very often that yelling in the direction of people can be surprising and even hurtful. He seems to understand when we remind him, but in the moment, he'll be so excited or surprised he'll forget. I guess what I'm asking is, how do y'all deal with noise in your home and from your child(ren)? Because of how I was raised, I worry so much about making him feel small or that he is too much by asking him to be quieter. But, I'm a sahm and the amount of time I'm spending with his voice at this volume is killing me.