Hearts of Iron anybody?

I’ve been playing a lot of the game, usually KR as the Entente or niche builds. Even with the better AI mod, the game just feels unfun. You build tanks, add an AA support company, and just take over the game from there. Other than that, you just go low visibility subs on patrol to take naval supremacy, and fighters and CAS are only for mid-late game

As a result, I am interested in maybe doing a multiplayer lobby. This could be either co-op or head to head, although I’d rather play modded instead of vanilla. In any case, I would like to try a game where I primarily focus on naval and air while my allies build a massive army(they can have my manpower as garrisons ofc). And with how much you have to research, such a setup I feel would let that faction outperform. Lmk if that sounds interesting to you.