It's crazy how people say trump is fasscist, yet completely ignore everything biden did
Biden had almost every media station on his side. He supported cancel culture, silencing people. He was trying to start world War 3 with funding the Ukraine/Russia war and isreal/Gaza war. Even using American misses on Russian soil. Which could of made Russia strike america.
How do people just ignore what biden did but blame everything on trump and say he's a fascist for wanting to end corruption, or wanting to end the war or lower inflation.
This people are so hard headed, this is why I can't stand the news, because ever since trump got elected in 2016. They have been non stop bashing him saying he's Hitler, a demon from hell and these people believe it.
They say he's a nazi and people believe it, they say his family founded the kkk and they just blindly believe it.
How is it possible that for this long we let these people put out basic propaganda against anything right wing? This is what they do in a dictatorship, pushing propaganda against the opposite party 24/7