Ranking every Tyler intro
This is gonna be a whole lotta yapping.
St. Chroma- I’m gonna be honest here, the teaser trailer with this song revealing the album itself was amazing. The buildup and beat drop in the song is also just amazing, especially the Daniel Ceaser backup vocals. I think even though this album definitely isn’t my favorite Tyler project, the intro is definitely his best.
WOLF- This is an intro right here, the short beautiful instrumental at the beginning, then Sam comes in setting the mood of the album with saying fuck you over and over. It’s short, beautiful instrumental, has dialogue with Dr. TC, Wolf Haley and Sam, and genuinely sets the tone of what Wolf is going to face in the album.
IGOR’S THEME- This one is pretty good too, I don’t really like the synth in the beginning because it is kinda obnoxious to me, but once Uzi comes in and starts singing, it gets a lot better. I have to admit though, Tyler putting the synth beat in the first song, and putting the last song’s last moments being an unresolved note, and have the intro synth make it complete, is freakin awesome. I still really like this one.
Sir Baudelaire- I still think this song is CRIMINALLY underrated. It’s too short in my opinion and don’t really like how the beat just loops back, but his light rapping over this beat was nice to hear and also sets the tone for the album pretty well in my opinion. Very good song.
DEATHCAMP- This song sets the tone for what Cherry Bomb is very fast, Cherry Bomb’s crazy nature starting with this song fits well, I don’t really care for the album in whole that much, but this song is still a good keep and a very good song to get hyped up to. One of my favorites on the album.
Foreword- I don’t really know about this one, it’s not terrible, but it is one of my least favorite on the album. The Rex Orange Country feature is pretty good, and the second beat of the song is good, but I just was never into the first beat of the song.
Bastard- This is Tyler’s first song on an album he has made. It sets up the story of the Wolf Trilogy, talking to Dr. TC, but my god, I like dialogue in Tyler songs in the Wolf Trilogy, but damn, this song has a lot of dialogue, and I can never seem to finish it, because the song is so damn long. Cut out like half the dialogue (and the very very beginning) and this song is WAAAAY more up there.
8.Goblin-I got nothing to say about this one again, good start to the album, Wolf talking to Dr. TC in his 2nd (or 3rd according to the Wolf Trilogy story) session, but once again, this song is again, long as shit, and has what it feels like to be double the yapping from TC and Wolf. Once again, cut almost all of the dialogue out of this one, and it might be a little bit higher. Still think the beat to this song is the weakest of the intros.
- EVERYTHING MUST GO- I don’t even know if I should count this one, since it’s just talking and like 20 something seconds, but obviously, this is in last since there is no rapping, and it’s 20 seconds long.
Did I mess up to y’all?