Different website utility
i have been on this sub for a few weeks now, and i came across a LOT of different website.
So i was wondering if someone could help me to make some choices :
typing.com : for me the best to start from 0 because it is very graphic, it shows a finger and how this finger should be placed which is very helpful
typingclub.com : never used but someone told me it was even better than typing.com for its UX ? Would love some feedback about it
keybr.com : everyone seems to agree on this one as the nest one to practice, because you can have non-real words (even though idk how to do it), can personnalise it a lot and it forces you to be at a certain WPM on previous keys before unlocking the next one
monkeytype.com : for some reason everyone seems to do their test on this one ?
So in my head the perfect move would be :
Start with typing.com until i manage to type all keys by touchtyping (complete beginner --> mid)
Then switch to keybr.com to truly practice my speed with unknown word and a website that check the speed of each key individually (mid --> expert)
Does it seem right to you ? If anyone has any tips or advice about any of these or any other website, i take it !