Anyone else genuinely hate cameras/pictures?
I have such a deep hatred for seeing photos of myself and maybe it’s because I refuse to believe that’s how I actually look and I try to deny it. When I see how I actually look it’s so detrimental to me. Ive currently been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 3 months and I hate sending him pictures of me and he has told me many times that he wants to get pictures of us together but everytime he attempts I just cover my face up immediately. And then only my hair is visible. One time he wanted to go to a Photo Booth and I was so scared out of my mind but it turns out it was out of order and I have never been happier and relieved in my entire life. My RBF is so bad, everyone always asks me if I’m crying or if I’m mad. Like just tell me im ugly… Jesus. Anyone else hate their appearance so much you can’t bare any pictures of yourself?