Who can you really vent to about being ugly?

I guess other than this forum,

Idk, it’s just something that’s always bothered me. Being ugly undeniably has people treating me worse just for the sake of it, being bullied at school etc takes a toll, and yet it’s totally unacceptable talking about your experiences as an ugly person.

When I was a teenager I used to come home crying a lot after school because of how ugly I am, only for my family to get annoyed at me, calling me dramatic or attention seeking. Online, you’re a fem/incel, again attention seeking, or shallow.

I just really feel the need to vent because it’s at a point now where I can’t look at my own reflection without wanting to cry. I haven’t taken a picture willingly since 13, only ever to take a passport photo and they’re results never fail to make me cry too. I hate living like this, feeling so awful in my own skin but I’m scared to broach this subject to anyone?? I really just need someone to listen.