Have you even been asked to give reassurance or comforting by an ultra attractive person
I had this ultra attractive female friend and am a woman myself. She had multiple relationships by the age of 26. Men chase her all the time. She used to brag about rejecting men.
One fine day she sent me a selfie and asked 'am I beautiful' I responded saying no with a silly emoji. As I couldn't afford to reveal my true emotions.
Imagine my shock. I who has never been approached even for a platonic interaction from a guy has to give comforting and validation to this idiot. We who should be receiving all the support are being used for free emotional labour!
I did block her after that even made a post about it on reddit.
Guess what the responses were like?
That I am the toxic one!
Maybe she had a bad day but I am allowed to be hurt. This is not okay.
This is what we are born to do?