I hate everything

Fuck school I hate you stupid bitches who judged me and hated on me for no reason other then me being tall and ugly. yall are so fucking mean and I hate you guys so much. I hate my dad for giving me his oily skin and hooded eye lids on top of having a big ass nose. my mom PMO with that choice. I also hate my mom for pointing all these things out on me I hate her heavy . like bitch why are u telling me my nose is ugly like u didn’t procreate with that man? she is the root of why i hate everything on my face along with kids at school but hearing it from her hurt the most. I hate my brother too for pointing out the size of my nose and my eyes. I lowkey just wanna escape and not really talk to any of them again. I want a new family and a new face. I’ve been planing on leaving for a minute but I don’t even know how. It’s like I gave so much love to people and got hate in return just because of the way I looked . None of them know I’m depressed or hate myself this heavy I just want to leave I have ambition for the future at all. I hate my genetics and my life I hate humans .like I don’t even wanna open up to my therapist about how I feel because she kind of admitted I was not very good looking in the face. I’m so depressed it’s embarrassing I hate my face and my body. I hate my family so much just so fucking loud and annoying and unaware and just cant comfort me for shit but I have to comfort and listen to them NO FUCK YOU GUYS. like now your mad I wanna isolate myself, DO YOU NOT SEE WHY? I’m getting sick of my brother too because he’s noticed that I’ve been different but it’s like I just don’t wanna hear your stupid fucking problems or about how many girls like you and you’re shitty comfort whenever I tell you any of my problems, which is rarely .I’m so sick of caking my face in makeup because if I don’t the bullying is worse. Doesn’t even feel like god likes me if he’s even there. I miss who I was before all of the appearance based comments from the people around me. I hate everything I’m so mad I didn’t deserve any of this and I know it I hate being a “victim” I don’t want to be one . sorry this is all over the place. I only like the people in this sub I can relate to you guys on so many aspects. and the comments you guys use to leave me on my old posts always helped me .