Handcut French Fries are AWFUL.

Also labeled “made in house” or “house cut” French fries on restaurant menus, these are the inferior kind of French fry on any restaurant menu.


They are seldomly done well. Most of the time the fries are limp, fried to a crisp and burnt, under-seasoned, and sometimes even taste of old fry oil.

Yeah a cook had to force the potato through a fry cutter into a bucket (a cambro for my foodservice peeps) but is the extra cost of labor worth the inconsistency?

Edit: handcut fries are awful because they’re inconsistent and disappointing When they’re done right, they’re excellent

Edit the sequel: man I’ve really ruffled some feathers.

I’ve been a chef for 4 years and a cook for 10 and the best fries I’ve ever had come frozen and sold in 30 pound cases. Super easy to fry up, they taste good, and they’re consistent. I can put that extra labor time I saved towards preparing desserts in house or prep for entrees.