Days after losing a crew member at sea near Mexico, Coast Guard Cutter returns with $275-million narcotics haul
In case you hit a paywall, here is the TLDR:
“After months at sea, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Waesche returned to San Diego on Thursday, with over 37,000 pounds of confiscated cocaine and one less crew member, lost at sea, officials said.
The offloading of their massive narcotics haul — which weighs about as much as a full grown humpback whale and is estimated to be worth $275 million comes days after search efforts were ended for 23-year-old Seaman Bryan Lee, according to the Coast Guard.
Lee, who hails from Rancho Cordova, was discovered missing at 6:45 a.m. last Tuesday while the Waesche was conducting a routine counter-drug patrol around 300 nautical miles south of Mexico. Search crews dedicated over 190 hours to scouring 19,000 nautical miles for Lee using drones, aircraft and vessels, before suspending the search on Monday.
The confiscated cocaine was netted through 11 drug interdiction missions off the coasts of Mexico and Central and South America from December through mid February. At a news conference Thursday celebrating the seizure, a moment of silence was held in Lee’s memory.
“It was truly inspiring to see every member on board come together during this patrol, including our shipmate, Bryan Lee, who contributed to the mission,” said Capt. Tyson Scofield, commanding officer of the Waesche. “We are saddened by his loss, but he shares in the success with all of us today. Our hearts are with his family as they grieve his loss and as we grieve it together.”
Coast Guard spokesperson Christopher Sappey said it is very unusual for a crew guard member to go missing during patrols.”