Is my teacher being unreasonable?

I have been playing violin for more than a year and I have been feeling quite demotivated. My teacher has been very demanding of my intonation to the point that he won’t even accept less than half a semitone off and I have to fiddle around with my rotating my fingertip with a few mm of space. He won’t let me proceed with any other songs until I get it right and we’ve been stuck on the same two songs for months now. He won’t teach me vibrato and we have only started focusing on rhythm which has been left neglected because we’ve been picking at minute details so much. Also for a few months in the beginning he didn’t let me use a shoulder rest because he insisted that no violinists before the 1900s had shoulder rests and they ruin your sound. I managed to convince him to let me use one in the end because of back pain.