VR flight sims need to change

VTOLVR is the only good one for VR

Yes, cockpit fidelity isn't even a thing, models are a mix of planes to avoid trademark and visuals are not amazing by any metric (unlike MSFS for example that looks so incredible people have mistaken my screeshots for real-life pictures) BUT you actually have hands and arms in the game, can properly touch the controls on the plane, don't need to use your physical keyboard at any point and can touch/grab several things at the same time which is light-years ahead of MSFS and DCS in terms of immersion, it's the difference between feeling like you're struggling to tell the computer to change the input value from 0.3 to 0.7 on a control parameter and actually feeling like you're flying the thing

Both on MSFS and DCS VR feels like a half-assed afterthought and it pains me because they're otherwise amazing flight sims

Also, screw the trim wheel on MSFS, I don't even touch it anymore, it's a death sentence