Where should we move?
Hi! My husband (41M) and I (32F) and our soon to be two kids toddler and newborn are wanting to relocate from Indiana due to the political climate in our state. We are interested in Wisconsin (Minnesota and Michigan as well) but we don’t know the state well. We are planning to come visit and see if we think it could be our new home. My husband has a permanent fully remote job. I have an in home daycare. So the hope is our jobs won’t be changing much (I do need to research daycare laws in Minnesota still). Where do you think we should visit?
Things we value in a neighborhood or community -Diversity -Public School System that is thriving -Parks -Walkability is nice but we don’t live in a walkable area now so not a deal breaker -Left leaning area - We aren’t religious - We love food, shopping, city life, stuff to do… we would probably not thrive in a rural area