I hate Sunday weddings

This is our second Sunday wedding of the year. I wouldn’t mind if it was an earlier in the day wedding, but this is the second very large evening Sunday wedding.

I understand it, but when kids aren’t invited (which I understand and we had a kid free weeding, but honestly our friends didn’t even have kids then) I feel like I’ve missed my family day (even though typically the whole weekend is family weekend lol) and then we have to decide to leave early, or spend money on a hotel because the weddings are getting farther and farther.

I also know we can just… not go. But both of the weddings so far have been for fairly close friends of my husband that I totally get not wanting to miss.

All this complaining to say I totally think it’s worth saving money to have the wedding on a different day, but man is it hard to make these decisions as a working mom lol.