I don't want to write stuff set in India..

I'm a twenty two year old Indian girl and I've lived in India all my life. I do love my country but when I think of writing a novel set in it I feel stifled. The way I see it, my country is my home and I don't want to write novels only set in my hometown.

Other places seem to have so much more scope for imagination. Like ancient Egypt or medieval England or France during the revolution.

I've always seen writing and reading as forms of escape to a different (not necessarily better or worse) world. Not the same one I live in.

All the Indian authors I have seen set their novels in India or have Indian origin characters. I find this boring. I also grew up reading novels primarily set in England, which might have coloured my outlook somewhat. The way I see it I'll either have to write fantasy/sci-fi which doesn't interest me much, put an Indian character centerstage or do some kind of time lapse thing where one character is an Indian so as to sell the rest.

I don't want to write what I know. I want to have fun writing and transport myself and others to a different world, not the one I live in.

Experienced writers, could you please give me some advice? I know I've been angsting an awful lot here, but I've been struggling to write.