Words/Phrases that sound wrong in a medieval/fantasy setting?

Obviously this is all "In MY Opinion", curious to hear people's thoughts and their own examples.

  • For me at least, the absolute worst word is "ok/okay". No matter how good the writing, it immediately takes me out of the story. I prefer "fine", or "alright", or "well". Also - "hi". "Hello" is fine, but I prefer them to say "good morrow", or something equivalent.
  • Modern slang like "dude" or "cool" or "rizz" or "yolo" are obviously out for me. Even if you are "translating" their slang into ours, it just grates on me.
  • "Bra", especially when it's smut. They did not have bras, they had breast-bands, stays, corsets, bindings, etc (obviously again, the specifics depend on your setting). I don't even like the word "underwear" - smallclothes or undergarments, work better.
  • People's use of idioms like "deer in headlights". How would your character know what a headlight is?
  • Modern social movements, like the use of the word "gay" or "LGBT" or "non-binary". I'm not saying these ideas should be avoided, or have to be a bad thing in-universe (said community was obviously alot less accepted then than now) but the phrase might be better as "prefers the company of men/women", or "wasn't interested in sex" or describe a character that "wore clothes that rejected the social conventions of their sex." If you've seen that/those scene/s from Dragon Age: Veilguard, you know what I mean.
  • Some references to technology that shouldn't exist are more forgivable in fantasy, which may have developed things on a different timeline to us. But unless you establish that, saying things like "electricity" in a world that does not have electricity, is a problem for me. "Lightening" is more correct. "Cake" is fine, "pavlova" is not.
  • I'm hesitant to use any words like "vaccine", "cells" or "germs", unless its established they know what these things are. I'm OK (lol) with "brain matter", "nerves", "veins/arteries" or "adrenaline" as even a primitive society would have some understanding of how that works within their own body.
  • Fantasy in particular should avoid any real-world references - for example I spent about 10 minutes trying to to think of how to convey that a character had a "French braid", without saying "French braid".
  • References to animals that should not exist. Generally speaking sheep, horses, cattle, dogs, cats - all probably fine. But a pug specifically (looking at you, House of the Dragon) is a very artificially selected animal, and although some form of pug has existed for a few hundred years, they didn't look like the squashed nose little things we have today.
  • I know some people dislike the idea of potatoes and tomatoes in medieval eras, but personally I think this is more acceptable. The average person simply doesn't know when they became mainstream. So this is a personal choice.

I should also note, this may also be a case of the "Tiffany Problem", where the name Tiffany is considered modern and sounds jarring in an old timey context, but the name itself dates back hundreds of years - however, hearing a Medieval King talk to a "Tiffany" would be strange to most people, but it could be historically accurate. So the word or idea may be technically correct, but still distracting.