What thumbnail would you click?
Or further more, what would you improve on some?
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im clicking on the first one all day
\nFirst one
\nfirst for sure
\nthough id suggest making the text on the first one just white, that way it pops in comparison to the bright, colorful images surrounding it. aside from that its super good id wear that on a shirt bro
Third one looks by far the most professional to me
\nNot shutting you down, just stating my perspective:
\n\nProfessional doesn\u2019t work for UGC on YouTube. It makes things look boring and turns people away. You want something that\u2019ll stand out, I stand by the first one because while it does look less professional, it grabs your attention, which is what you want on YouTube.
\n\nNow, if this were going to VOD or OTT streaming, the third one is PERFECT. It\u2019s simple, straight to the point, gets the message across without obnoxious imagery, it would absolutely get a watch if I\u2019m scrolling through like Prime Video or some other service.
\nAgreed, 3rd one feels a little corporate. I would expect something with the 1st ones thumbnail to be higher-quality content on YouTube, it would work really well for a show on a streaming service or something though.
\n3rd ngl
\nfirst or second
\n\nthe first pops out but has a bit much going on
\n\nthe second looks nice, but the border and the added depth makes things feel off
\nImage 2
\nProbably 2
\ni\u2019d say the first one.. more visually appealing and the colors catch your eye
\nFirst or third. First one gives some context and third one looks vile and mysterious plus gives a thriller vibe.
\n1 is good, contains a clear face and implies a hidden story.
\n\nBut clean up the colors. Different shades of red in each picture would go much further than the 90s rave it's got going now.
\n1st if i was interested, in reality none
\nFirst one
\nIs there one with trump in it? That way it\u2019s accurate too.
\n\nTitle: The Greatest Documentary of All Time
\nEww.\nAmerican defaultism.
\n2nd and 3rd one
\nthe 1st one looks the most like a video thumbnail, the 2nd one looks like a podcast thumbnail, and the 3rd one looks like a movie thumbnail, so 1st
\nAs someone who doesn't think America is being killed, I'd be a lot more likely to watch the first thumbnail. Also the first one is the type of thumbnail to just blindly assume someone's credible and they know what they're doing
\nFirst one since it\u2019s not like anything I\u2019ve seen before, unique ngl
\nNone of them.
\nI feel that the first pops out more.
\n1st one but something about the font is throwing me off. I think it shows it\u2019d be a good video tho! Best of luck
\nThe last one is SICK
\nFirst, it is colorful
\n3 by FAR
\nNOT the 2nd one
\nthe first shows more about america
\n\nso you know my vote
\nOnly the first one. That's the reason I clicked on this post
\nfirst if it was a bit less colourful
\n3rd for sure
\nLast one !
\nThird one
\nthird because I have dark mode on YTa and since the contrast between a dark background & a white thumbnail would make me more likely to click
\nAll. But only if im bored
\n1 and 3
\nnone of them
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\nFirst one
\nFirst one look like GTA \nSecond one telling america what the title is\nThird ine look like America is in fracture, just because a murder of one person
\nThe first one is by far the most intriguing.
\n3rd, the 1st and 2nd thumbnail have to many elements and is too complex. A thumbnail should be eye-catching and simple
\nLast first
\nFirst one is the best. Other two are super simplistic and generic, feels like literally anyone (including AI) would have made them.
\n1st one, gives insight on what the video is about. 2nd one could be about literally anything, I would probably skip it.
\n3rd for me
\nI like the 3rd one. It's more minimal while still being eye-catching.
\nFirst one looks extremely well done. It\u2019d grab my attention in a heartbeat.
\nI'm the only one who likes the 3rd one the most, just very read able minimalist attractive and prefecttt\ud83e\udd24\ud83e\udd24\ud83e\udd24
\nFirst, of course.
\nonly the third one would pop out among other small thumbnails and in dark mode (also i like it the most). but there's also a decent chance i'd click the second one if it appeared in an annotation at the end of a video. i'd never click the first one. also that font is probably barely readable when the image is small or a screen has a lower resolution.
\n\nbtw what's your channel name?
\n3rd looks professional and clean. Works great for the thumbnail.
\n1 for me. It raises the question "who are all these people and what do they have to do with the downfall of america".
\nIn this case, sad to say, 2nd or 3rd as they're less helpful in letting me know what to expect (whereas the first one tells me it's about to be a history docu).
\nFirst one balls so hard it could easily break my ankles
\nGotta have faces in the thumbnail. People naturally notice faces. So 1st one
\n1st one
\nfirst one
\n1 or 3
\n3rd. Clean, professional and serious shows you put in actual effort rather than throw it together for quick views.
\nMake the "Killing" red and "America" white.
\nNone NGL, I can't be fucked watching American history lol
\nfirst one
\nThe 3rd one
\nA mix of 1 and 3. 1 is nice because it gives a representation of what you\u2019re watching, but three is more eye catching because it\u2019ll stand out in a sea of thumbnails.
\nFirst one with the third one's title?
\nFirst option
\nThere is a multi thumbnail feature of I remember correctly but imo the 2nd one definitely not the first
\nNumber 3 is cool simple and chamative
\nThe third one.
\n3rd one
\nDefinitely the first one
\nI would click on the first one or on the 3rd
\nMaybe change the backround on 1 to a different color. I it too much like the GTA loading screens so people may think it has something to do with gangs
\nI am definitely clicking the third one ....but you could try and make the statue of liberty blue color
\n3rd one
\n3rd first one looks like a banner
\nI'll be the first to admit my reasoning may fall down to my own stupidity, but it depends. If I clicked the first one, I'm expecting a video essay on Serial Killers/Very high profile murders since the bottom right if I'm not mistaken is Larry Hall, and the common thing most people associate with JFK is his assassination. And I could be miles off here, but is the purple one the Unabomber and the yellow one OJ?
\n\nI say this given the surge in True Crime interest from the general population.
\n\nWhereas if I clicked on the third one, I'm more expecting a video on the downfall and corruption of American politics.
\nThe first one
\n1st: Third. Concise colours and shapes, impactful.
\n\n2nd: First. Looks pretty but a bit all over the place with so many colours.
\n\n3rd: Second. Look very generic.
\n\nFirst appears first so people will be biased towards It.
\nEither the 1st or 3rd
\n3rd one because it goes hard
\nThe 2nd or 3rd
\nFirst one is awesome
\n1st one is really good
\n\nIt's unique and grabs a lot more attention than the others. Although the 2nd one seems to be more "convincing" to me, it feels more normal
\nNumber one looks like a thumbnail for a movie trailer/music video, the third one looks more like a commentary/discussion video
\nFirst one everyday
\nDef the second one.
\nfirst one
\n1st looks like a thumbnail, 2nd looks like a podcast, 3rd looks like a miniseries, they all look good in their own way
\nSo where can I watch? I stuff to listen to while I play games and scan film. :D
\nnone sorry
\nAll of em. Its peak.
\nThe First One looks like a Boring Documentary while the Third One looks like Suspenseful Action Sequence. So, because of my Short Attention Span and Craving for Dopamine Bursts, I'll go with Third.
\nDont listen to any of these people. The 3rd one is the one that would stand out the most
\nThe first one. Why? Due to many different recognizable faces which is a hint that you\u2019ll cover those people. It\u2019s well put together, and the color makes it pop and is very satisfying. It\u2019s just very intriguing.
\nFirst one goes hard
\nFirst one for sure.
\nThird one seems lit, although, the title and the statue of liberty might confuse audiences that this is a political video, so if I were you, I'd combine thr first and the third.
\n\nAll of them are really good.
\nI love the second one o maybe put the cool liberty statue on the first somehow
\nNone of them because I got enough ami drama on this app
\n2nd one is way more eye catching
\nI think they are all great but the first one conveys more emotion and faces generally just draw more attention so the first one is the best one prbly.
\nFirst one
\n2nd one 100%
\nNone. Im not American
\nI love all of these but the first is the best
\nThe third one.
\n3rd because the images on 1st are too small for me to recognize when sized down and 2nd feels bit cheesy.
\nall of them \ud83d\ude2d
\n1st one
\nThe last one is my favourite
\nThird one
\nFirst one reminds me of GTA
\nI like the 1st one
\n3 is tuff
\nNone, title seems like policsl trash
\nHonestly third one. It looks cleaner and more straightforward.
\nI like the 2nd one the most tbh
\nSecond one
\n1 looks like a GTA Cover while 3 looks like the title for an action movie
\nFirst- looks like gta
\nSecond I like alot
\nfirst one
\nThe first one. The other two would make me thing it\u2019s some republican fluff piece
\n1st one is more intriguing, makes me want to know more about the people on the thumbnail. the other two are boring.
\n2 honestly
\nFirst one\ud83d\udde3\ufe0f\ud83d\udde3\ufe0f
\nfirst or third
\n3rd one
\n3rd one, although instead of the m shining, I'd make it the crown of lady liberty shine.
\nthe third one
\nLast one
\nFirst or third
\nOr further more, what would you improve on some?
Or further more, what would you improve on some?