Who gets your vote for hardest hitter in NFL history?
You all are amazing.
Fake name on page 135?
When do I start reading the upside down part? After the blue square section finishes or what?
Saddest or most depressing pop punk or emo songs in your opinion? Mine, they be maybe in order but they could all change constantly
Which is your favorite Turk and why?
Forgetting a sentence immediately after reading it
Do not fuck with her(o) fun
Anyone have foods you want to try from The Simpsons?
What's your favorite moment of craziness?
Best sibling duo in a sitcom?
Halfway paying attention when she pops up on screen. My wife and I both instinctively went “oooof” at the same time.
It’s All Entirely Made Up - Ed.
A note about Johnny’s unreliability
What to do with $500 free bet?
Who's that soldier guy not saying anything in ch 1
Footnote 326
A list of words that do not exist
There's a guy grinding to level 99 on the FIRST SCREEN of FF7
Tried to show the narrative flow to people during my read.
People who like to play hard games, which game is THE one that broke you?
Movies similar to HOL
Any recomendations for games to play while listening to podcasts?
Calling all Isshin pros.
Listen to Gone So Young by Amber Pacific. It is old I know but we should never forget songs like this.