"Europe never had free speech"
I wonder if him and cook-cook would've gotten along
Chud Isolationists vs the Chad Wasteland Saviors
black or chinese
Oh i have to agree!
if i speak…
You are a From Software developer. How would you troll fans?
They're the same picture.
jak this dirty nazi
when you can't even say like a dragon thy end is now
Jak them
Blue Cunt
Companies are and always will be the problem.
Pew pew🗣🔥
Fishing Minigames/Mechanics Alignment Chart #4, What game's fishing minigame/mechanic looks annoying, but is actually enjoyable?
The actors are just playing themselves.
Which nation had the best-looking military uniform in ATLA?
Funniest german joke
I swear, it’s only about the story🤭
Watched this episode last night in my most recent watchthrough and realised that despite Butterscotch being awful to BJ and Beatrice, it is only ever Beatrice that BJ blames and holds resentment against.
The fact that this is constantly shown in the show itself is insane
I think I enjoyed that more than I should have
Bruce is literally like "Im Proud of You Dic- I mean Damian"