Haven't played in a while and looking for help picking a server.
am i allowed to have a monster
Curious how others keep mains
Does kanna involve a “hangover” like Molly?
Gonna snort 50 mg of 2cb in one go what should I expect
Undermined is Peak WoW
New zone is f*****g AWESOMEEEE!! THX BLIZZ
hallucinating more on Mdma than acid
Can daily microdoses of LSD(5-10 ugs) make cannabis high weaker?
can i shorten the duration of an acid trip?
How to make orgasm come faster while on mdma?
Dropped 50ug of 1P this morning.
For anyone who has abused mdma (taking it more often than every 3 months) what works best for bringing your brain health back? Or is the damage done?
Is 1p as strong as LSD25?
Is Blue Lotus okay to use everyday?
Why are some people avoiding mirrors when tripping?
When you do LSD-do you know you’re on LSD?
ketamine is fucking amazing
Anyone else feel like they only play for the nostalgia?
Men - how often do you wake up with semen in your pants from sleep?
Why did you start playing wow?
Doing molly with a high end prostitute? What would happen?
What’s the best kind of sex?
What is your main and why?
Issues after updating the JBL Quantum software