Reminder to call your senators! Easy guide here!
Went to the doctor to give blood and it was standing room only. Do we have a flu epidemic I haven’t heard about?
Question about the end
How to talk with 4 yr old about death/loss
Would you run in this? Not used to this cold.
Netflix had one of corporate America’s most generous parental-leave policies. It was a promise they couldn't keep.
Moms in their 30s…Where do we buy clothes now?
Bird with odd behavior
Is nursing really easier than exclusive pumping?
What car do you have and how many kids?
Is 26 a good age to start nursing school? I'm insecure about my age , how do I stop feeling like this?
Suggest to me the longest book you’ve read that has engrossed you the entire time
What is a beauty standard that you refuse to adhere to?
Blue Election night watch parties
Grandparents just ain't what they used to be
What’s a conspiracy theory you don’t necessarily believe, but find fascinating?
My T is married to my OBGYN
Hurricane Helene question
Babysitting/tutoring request
Harassment rant
What do we all do?!
Contemplating Nietzsche 2 months post loss
After school care
Help me choose between these 3 rugs
Salon pricing questions- how much do you pay?