How much mithril powder should you get?
Doesn't it suck that there's no OP/Meta Hoard hero?
Leaderboard roll-call for 3rd March
Am i in a good spot?
Hype or magic power
Is sweating the fun out of the game real?
Good usage for this money
What is the greatest animated film of all time?
Should i use summons for capture event?
Star shard shop
What or who should I focus next
Being unattractive is tough.
best minion setup for afk
why dont boys date us girls with tism
How do I get more Speed with Warden Helmet
💪 Weekly Flex: What Achievement did you get in the past week that you are most proud of?
What is something people just wouldn’t understand until they’ve experienced it themselves ?
Any of you afraid of becoming of Adults?
I would like to buy a google play store account that is older than 2023 and verified, I am not a scam
Can US alone win any military conflict with Russia/China/N.Korea?
Advice for doing sat over summer
“Have you said thank you once?”
Was it worth it for the carries?
What are your fav Sabrina songs? Looking to add to my mix