Bro thought he could all out tac 🤣
Head Scratcher
Notes about Temple
Is 14 temples possible on Bloon circles?
Camo regrow rainbow round 13 trend
Anyone interested in selling/giving their acc?
What is the problem with ZigZagPower?
Does anyone know what the theme song is called in the main menu I really want to play it on drums
Does anybody know how many towers there are to unlock
What powers work best with Cobra
can someone teach me how to get powers quicker?
tier list from a player from 4 years ago and restarted yesterday
Input lag/hotkeys not registered in Microsoft Store version
All the competitive modes are a fair bit pay-to-win, but that doesn't mean the game isn't very fun.
Dartling gunner bug
best lategame strategy?
What are some good strategies that include boomerang and what maps are they good on?
Btd glitch
Been playing for years... Why is everyone so f-cking mean all of the sudden?
Why isn't black outline?
New league system
BTD hacks
Save da 420deluxechillaz
New pb less go