Why am I hearing what sounds like a demonic growl when I walk up to the Spruce Falls Bridge now in Wintermute?
I avenged all of us for those who died because of the Mooses. 😄 🏹
Safest time to travel
Any tips for getting to Bunker Alpha safely?
Are animals invincible when charging?
Seeking advice about playing Tales on Interloper
You can pick up suitcases ?!
TIL; Pemmican is incredibly good
Maybe I should continue being a fisherman forever! 😄🤪😄
The wiki won't stop me, cause I can't read!
What are some essentials a good safehouse would need
Behold my meat freezer. Day 496 on Stalker. Although this is only one of my bases, it's by far the most well stocked.
Why do people like Hushed River Valley
Tips for a long run in Sundered Pass?
How do you feel about the cooking lv 5 benefit, and if you feel or felt the need to, how would you balance it?
I made bannock
I Just Received a Psychic Vision. We will hear some WINTERMUTE news Within the next Fortnight.
No buff after eating these pies
Since we are uploading our local iteration of Fluffy, here's mine
Any idea what Marianna Blavatsky was saying in this scene? Was it even actual Latin?
Found a friendly one I think I'll keep it
Bleak Inlet is a Nightmare
Wolfskin pants or deerskin pants?
Last look at my 1,000 day
abandoned hunting cabin // just needs a little bit of tidying and it could be cozier
abandoned hunting cabin