Do I get this graded?
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Bought a pack of 151(sealed) online and it came with this thrown in separate.. is it real?
Is it real?
How are these categorised? Holo? Reverse holo? Something else?
Pulled these out of single 151 packs - are they worth anything?
Can someone help as I am very confused - why are these cards banned/illegal? I have multiple decks on the deck list showing as invalid and when I click into them the cards have this symbol?
Pulled these out of a single 151 off amazon - are they real?
Bought my first one off pack of 151, what’s my chances? - worth never buying another pack if my lucks run out
Possible newbie question - is there a way to get/unlock more pre set decks? Or only by using the ‘create’ function
Milo and Mia
Approaching A1a like everything else in life - feet first
With one day left before A1a, what’s evading you?
Got all specials before mythical island
As more and more expansions are coming, how hard do u think old cards will be to get for new (or not new) players?
I’m feeling lucky
Promo Menki rerun?
This has been my luck ever since the event started. I've got over a dozen Bulbasaur, but have only gotten 1 Magnemite...
Me whenever my opponent uses red card.
To keep or not to keep
What does Freddy Krueger do when he is not killing people?
If 10-year-old you met you now, what would they think?
Which side of the bed do you sleep on and why?
whats the best ice cream?