He Forgot to Log Out, and I Watched My Marriage Fall Apart in Real-Time
Is it wrong to bring games (especially large ones) when you haven’t read the rules
I'm sorry but can yall stop with the posts saying "Can you tell me why this is brilliant/a blunder" use the analysis mode. Go to lichess use their engine. It legit just shows you the moves
I’m 63 and unfiltered. Single and can’t find anyone for the life of me. Hope y’all have a great weekend.
People on r/hygiene are just paranoid
I made this homemade sushi, I would like to know your opinions 😁
Anything you missed out on when you were younger and now it feels too late?
I helped someone win out of spite
Pohřeb a špatné rodinné vztahy
I’ve never had a girlfriend and I think it’s my fault
Song / Album popularity or quality has nothing to do with who the performer is
How do I shuffle a deck of thick cards?
“We don’t deserve dogs”
Rome was awesome
Rules on rules on rules vs. abstract strategy
Přítelkyně nenávidí mého kamaráda
Horrible Experience at Stadio Olimpico (Roma vs Porto)
Why can I beat 1000+ Elo bots but I struggle against 400 Elo real life people?
How do I even start playing chess?
Jaká jsou vaše oblíbené deskové hry? Jakou byste doporučili a proč?
I’m not happy in my marriage, but I can’t bring myself to confess to my husband
What's your "rules teach horror story"?
How do you deal with insecurity about people not enjoying the game
Difficult question about offside that decided the 2014 la liga title
Impossible to not have anybody flake