Songs from your senior year of high school
I've always felt that Male V has a colder personality, whereas Female V is warmer, based on the voice acting and delivery. Do you guys feel the same?
Wizard/sorcerer archer build?
What’s your first stop on a new playthrough?
Ice gear ideas without adding an ice caster to my party?
Favorite NPC line?
Daily Draft / Off-Season Thread
What should I do with Wyll?
How did the show influence you?
Jalen Carter
WIP! Whiterun looking fresh
Did your school ever do anything leading up to the Super Bowl?
Cam Newton….and his hat
Here have some Gale based Text Posts
Marshawn Lynch on his SB pick: 'Yeah, look, I told you, it's for my own selfish reasons," Lynch said. "I want to see a three-peat in real life. I want to see that shit.''
Unexpected bangers from random media?
Riverwood -> Whiterun -> ? Where do YOU go next? (city\town)
Shadow Monk Build help?
What makes the Chiefs so clutch and always being able to get those nail biter wins?
How do you know the franchise?
Shutout the former Superbowl champs (On hard no less)
What would college life at the College of Winterhold really be like?
Party Composition Help
Best Multiclass with Berserker?
Lions fans are so salty