T1 Orianna vs. Bloodmoon Aatrox Chibi
Anyone who doesnt troll wanna play double up ?
How does this help anyone ?
New matchmaking doesnt suck ur just bad
Question about tunes
If yall hate the new CEO, sign the petition
What do we think of Teemo after his changes?
Stock 2016 R Spec. What are you doing first?
Why are so many of you up badging?
How can we bring back the Genesis?
Sexualizing an underage Disney character isn’t weird at all…
Which Ninja? Help me choose please.
The first song that got me into Crappy Music - Popular Music Video
I can’t wait.
Girls adds me to set her up with her friend and when I ask for more information she gets aggressive and rude
This is actually heat low key
A girl told me she tought i looked 45 even tho i am 23.
Z400 front break levers.
Why the top comments on reddit are usually like this on news regarding Elon?
Making sure ein gets a good view
Super Bowl LIX Commercials Discussion Megathread
St Petersburg, FL ideas?
Its gonna go back up, it hasn't even cracked ATH this run yet.
A lesbian friend who kept making advances toward me (I’m straight). When I finally blocked her, she went batsh*t crazy.
Nvidia trained robots on footage of Cristiano Ronaldo, LeBron James, and Kobe Byrant