Sexually exploring, feel like i am doing something wrong
I'm invading men's spaces
My wife told me she was asexual... Now she is unhappy with my low drive
Is being asexual a hindrance for reaching the climax with partnered sex?
What are your thoughts on marriage?
What surprised you the most the first time you had sex?
Signing sign language
Yall ever sit down and just wonder what's normal and not?
How can I tell if I like someone romantically or just wanna be friends?
What are some things you worried about that aren’t a big deal to you now that you’ve transitioned?
Do antipsychotics help the severity of things?
Anyone adopted?
What’s the point of raking leaves?
What do t4t transbians do with their reduced libido?
Is my boyfriend asexual?
Belly Fat
wanted to buy this but realized people are dirty minded
Why do people assume that if you're trans you must be into kink?
I will never understand allosexuals
Transition involve arousal?
Binary trans people, how do you feel about gender abolition and the notion that gender is just an outdated construct?
Do you experience any attraction towards fictional characters?
I think I'm Asexual but I'm really confused
Just started a serious relationship with an Asexual Girl.
Wondering if I’m asexual