My roommate got my cat killed.
Pokémon legends ZA graphics are trash
she always look at me like this when she's hungry : D !!
WIBTA if I deleted a game off of my bfs phone UPDATE
Is Anyone still mad about this episode being banned???
Ok that Presents, was a 6/10
What is this on top of the mountain?
Gabe Evans Just Voted to Give us a Death Sentence
My Heterochromia Calico, Gypsy
Trying to defend this game is a nightmare
Would I Be the ads while for leaving my husband for his political opinions?
What’s one Pokémon you forgot ash caught? I’ll go first
Make room for more species/counterparts (OC)
Was human life better as a hunter gatherer thousands of years ago from what it is now?
In line for over a day now - never give up
My niece called me ugly and I’m spiralling.
All the other grass types are garbage
Do you ever regret having kids?
What flavor of ice cream is my cat
I guess I should call city water because something isn’t right here…
roommate’s boyfriend that i share a bathroom with has lived in our apartment since the first day of move in
What is the first job that comes to mind when you think of jobs that are not as fun as people think?
I lost my sweet little girl, Pixie, today. She was 12 years old. I love her and it hurts so much.
Pick a mascot for each type
Hello I wanted to talk more about my favorite Pokemon!!