Drop a song that in your opinion has that moment.
Glow up?? M15
i skipped sex to have school
Albums that are one of a kind
What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Leonardo DiCaprio?
Just got a fish, what should i name him?
New Listens This Month, What Should I Listen to in March?
How many pedos are actually on this SubReddit?
Songs that talk about being a certain age
Favorite redheads?
Jack Nicholson is my favourite Joker Roast me
Favorite year of the 2010’s so far?
Songs You Enjoy But You Have No Idea What They're Saying
hi, how do you feel about my immediate family
Pick 3 and comments will tell u ur superpower.
Favorite character with a name four characters or less.
Which beeble would you make spontaneously combust in their living room, killing them instantly?
Guess what country I'm from
Which guy do you trust?
If you are a video game, Is your player doing well?
What do you wear to bed?
Favorite Russian Character?
Rate my pickup lines from 1-10.
Who has the best taste out of my friends?
What song reminds you of this?