How did your parents react to you having internet friends?
Shouldn’t even be a discussion
Why are we still showing kids The Sandlot?
When will it be addressed that women can be misogynistic towards women as well as men?
Had to make a small complaint today
What Else Do You Do?
Those of you who are going into college here's how I would compare things. Those of you who have already been to college would you agree?
Voters aren’t supposed to be experts
Doomed to Sub forever
Time to change the subject! Tell us how YOUR Youtube channel is going!
How did I end up here (Rule???)
Hourly pay rate for teachers/TA
I have to come clean: I don't really leave sub notes anymore unless requested.
So how does transport work outside of cities and large townships?
DEI in school has gone too far, my wife will be homeschooling them now.
If men are from Jupiter and women are from Venus, where are you from?
sun worship/nature worship
Favorite/Weirdest examples of music that either has a Punk message, but lacks a Punk sound. Or the opposite- any weird examples of Punk "sounding" stuff that totally misses the mark, instead?
thoughts on desaparecidos?
“Flipped classroom”
Solarpunk never HAS to be primitivist, but this guy seems to carry forth some of the spirit. I hope or a world where those who want to live minimally, can. And I think this guy could teach us a lot.
So..... 3/28