Enjoying the warm and soothing rain. (Airi, Hasumi, Kazusa, Suzumi) (GIF by@EtruTinia)
Is tamaki considered attractive or not?
How many stones do you guys have
Pattern recognition compelled me to make this
FUCK the grad
Why didn’t sukuna transfer his finger to a woman? It automatically gives him a way to bypass infinity,is he stupid?
what would be your jjs avatar for miwa(The image is related and is my pick)
>///< #2
What dbl unit is your biggest opp?
I don’t understand how people can say he’s bad.
Anyone bothered by the fact that our “heroes” seem to still be casually murdering people in the ending montage?
The Blue Boys situation is crazy
You take my RP while I take your vision
Elden Ring PS5 version for $20 dlls in by Walmart online
Basically (Part 2)
tf this update on dawg😭🙏
Look who loves UMV now 😘
⚠️You WILL be banned for obvious spoilers. references to spoilers and description spoilers will be removed as wel
I dont even like her shows but like goddamn
This team is literally unkillable
This team is not even fair dawg
How do you think chainsaw man will end?
Why hasn't Yoru killed Asa and completely taken control of her body yet?
Enough time has passed, they're all equal in their level of power