New Type 1
Help with 401k contributions
Just Opened a Roth IRA at 31… Now It’s Dropping and I’m Panicking
With 3 units onboard… tonight’s gonna be a long night.
I was called a pig due to weight gain because of insulin
Found Unlabeled pactch panel at new house/ need some assitance understanding it
So, how is voo and chill going?
What Is Wrong?
Bucket List -1995
Has anyone else gone so low they’ve had a seizure?
What Car Do You Think Is Suspicious?
Anyone able to identify this Star?
What do you do on trips where you aren't in control of your food options?
This sub has become unbearable!
Any thoughts or advice?
Is this normal for anyone else?
Thoughts on longterm retirement account ?
How to deal with high fat/protein on OP
Owning multiple Backdoor ROTH IRAs
How would you FIRE if you shared my perspective?
What is it?
I ate a whole pizza and…
Slow service
Anybody know what this is?
Do you sit a lot, how tight are your hips?