Products you won't buy, no matter the hype?
DISCUSSION: Wednesday Makeup Declutter! Let's discuss your recent declutters.
What perfume do you hate?
What is your ideal collection size?
Blind bought- did not regret. D&G Devotion Intense.
How to tell which eyeshadow is an irritant?
Yummy perfumes?
What movie(s) freaked you out as a kid? Like, ruined you for months?
I have a theory that using a beauty blender everyday is breaking us out, even when cleaning it and buying new ones its just too quick for that sponge to host bacteria
What’s the best deal you’ve ever got on a perfume?
If you had to guess, which single food have you consumed the most calories from in your life?
Clean cheapie for office?
Hi, could you recommend a long-lasting fragrance for hot weather?
What are some weird things people have said about your perfume (not knowing it’s your perfume)?
What's a note you irrationally dislike?
What is that sentence, if someone says it, you instantly know you don’t want to spend more time with them?
If you were to make a coffee perfume, what other notes would you include?
What’s your most controversial perfume opinion?
What are fragrances you’ve third or more chances, but continue to be a pass for you?
My fragrance collection so far
What fragrance or note does this to you?
🍦 Vanilla gourmand lovers, what are you wearing in summer?
What perfumes are you wearing to bed ladies?
How long do you let perfumes macerate for?
Я приезжаю этим летом, какие-нибудь рекомендации, что делать/посмотреть?