Are they serious about this
brand new fan. angriest song?
Fuck The Mormons
What’s the worst youth activity your ward put on?
Inappropriate relationships with adults
Do you have any preffered pens when it comes to writing in your journal?
Who is your top 5 of all time?
Does the whole thing ever strike you as hilarious?
We made it out!
miles david kinds of blue
What is the best 1990s film?
A recent revisit you fell in love with again ?
HELP! Dating a mormon guy(16m) as a non-mormon girl (16f)
Hi! This is Alyssa Grenfell. I'm an ExMormon content creator and author. AMA!
What’s your favorite album of 2009?
How did you feel about "spreading the gospel" while still in the church?
Why did you leave the church?
What’s the best album of 2005?
favorite non-metal album/artist?
Bill Burr Says Billionaires Should Be Put Down Like Rabid Dogs
What song comes to mind with this?
help me compile a list of batshit things that are normal in the church
What Books did You Start or Finish Reading this Week?: February 10, 2025
What did you think of Kendrick’s Super Bowl show?