Irish anal?
Saddest or most depressing pop punk or emo songs in your opinion? Mine, they be maybe in order but they could all change constantly
Waggy and Untitled have some best lyrics they ever wrote. They are such good songwriters.
Wats a blink182 song that makes you go “bro same” for me it’s Dammit
Wrote this few years ago. I'm not the most intelligent and don't have great grammar or spelling I do apologise, I just enjoy writing.
Imo underrated episodes
Poem/lyrics I wrote
My lyrics
My lyrics, thanks for checking them out.
My song lyrics. Thanks for checking it out
If you could get any song lyric from 1 band tatted on you what lyric would it be
Fiction, story part 1
Story part one. If you want more comment, feed back welcome alsome
I wish I heard this back in 2011 or 2012 😭 I wish I grew up with them. What fuck was I doing in 2012 😭 probably being disappointed in blink and NOFX 😭😭
My 5 controversial Blink takes
Best albums of the pop punk revival Imo (2010 - 2024)
Tssf dream set?
Please Tell Me I’m Not The Only One
Setlist Choice
What was your initial reaction when the untitled album came out?
What is your controversial Blink opinion?
Best album opening songs
Best tom songs? Imo
Rank yo NOFX albums.
+44 or Box Car Racer, which is better?