Advice on having a baby in my mid 40s?
What is your age without saying how old you are?
Snow??? ❄️ 😨
Do you agree with keeping cats indoor only?
What has being good, done for you?
Does This Piss Anybody Else Off?
The dating market is filled with so many single moms around my age.
What's the best insult without any swear or bad words?
Did you have any weird irrational fears when you were little?
My mom told me she looks like an alien, does she? [7 months old]
Do you lock your door when at home?
I always catch him seemingly posing
What was the very first video game you ever played?
[USA] thoughts on my case?
College enrollment is falling at a ‘concerning’ rate, new data reveals
Millennials have the worst behaved kids
What’s your weirdest reason for being fired or given a warning over? I’ll start
What are “common” things to do in a conversation that piss you off immediately?
What are some aspects of cat ownership that someone who isn't a "cat person" wouldn't think of?
Why don’t our legs need jackets like our upper body
Can we do something fun?! Lol
The reason we shouldn't witch-hunt the UHC CEO killer
We have gotten to the point where a gun has closed the pay gap between rich and poor.
What is something you will regret all your life?
Men are guilty until proven innocent