Inspired by “Keep San Francisco Weird”—what’s the strangest thing you’ve seen here?
Say something negative about these characters
What if Jason Voorhees in FVJ wasn't Stupid ? ( let's say as smart as he was in Part 6 )
Your favorite X-Men character sits down in the superhero editorial room, how does it go
Would Dooku have supported Order 66?
What am I? "I grow bigger ..."
Did Imperial troops really believe they were good guys with names like Death Troopers and Star Destroyers?
Why Prince Philip was never king consort?
My interpretation of the timelines (Movies only).
Advice for a single woman moving to SF alone?
(spoilers main) Besides the Lannisters, which other house could have Robert married?
Who's someone that you always forget has played a cannon Star Wars character?
Not just me right?
(Spoilers Main) How did "spoilers" not get pregnant?
So if eating Jason's heart made the coroner all murdery...
(Spoilers Main) Those that are 10000% certain NO version of Winds will EVER be released, why? PLEASE read body before posting.
Why did the QOTD (2002) Movie Failed?
what's y'alls mount Rushmore of Jason Designs?
If he had wanted to, what cool surname would Jon have or make up if he had became a legitimized bastard?
Who is it?
If Rhaenyra and Aegon had died in the middle of the war how would the Blacks and Greens approach things afterwards?
Did Arya ever truly become “no one,” or did she just kill the faceless chick, steal some faces and flee to Winterfell?
Why is it that some Jedi like Krell and Jorus C'baoth ascended to the rank of master but Anakin could not?
Is there any reason our maps couldn't look like this?
Good food in the Castro?