Legolas has been wanting out more lately. I'm now his lockout spot.
Am I Overreacting to my mom calling to say my sister told her to ignore me asking people not to kiss the baby on the lips/face
Who else thought spongehenge was a weird episode
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
Seen in my local Facebook group today
My Obito cosplay I made! ( SoltySack )
Hit the gold mine when I walked into my girlfriend's cousins house
Should I open the door? He looks normal
Finally! Busted for money laundering, racketeering, and price fixing. Here's your "vacation" home, Mr. Nook...
B&P Inspired room in Animal Crossing
Kent…. Why was that in ur shed 🤨
Could y'all rate my Caseoh Ai Song out of 10?
Minecraft is it getting boring or is it getting good?
AIO: i literally cannot attend
Anyone else feel like these ethereal being/ goddess fits are getting extremely overdone
I barely survived this one
Going back to watching the Bruins after the 4 nations high
Elliot, what does this mean 🤨
The best tortillas!
On a scale of Howl's Moving Castle character, how are you feeling today
Favourite Caseoh series?
What did I do wrong
What is thy judgement?
Thinking about the time during quarantine when my roommate and I got so bored we made a criminal minds bingo to play during a rewatch