Any binge drinkers here who stopped drinking completely and managed to still do drugs?
How often do customers ask how the dish look like?
Any WSP fans in Denver?
Most out of place situations you've taken MDMA
Does anyone use strictly for recreation?
Do Any Restaurants Make Hostesses Roll Silverware
I took 2000mg of pregabalin ive got work soon need help to sober up
Older COMEDY Recommendations?
Pls help me name him I’m completely stuck!!
First sober work trip. Posting for accountability and to see if any of y'all have had to do something similar after being newly sober
AIO? Husband tried to choke me but didn't do it "as forcefully as he could have" so it doesn't count?
Question from a diner
I went through my moms computer looking for my photos...
AITA for calling the police on my boyfriend after finding weird pictures of my 2.5 year old daughter on his phone?
Would you work at all if you didn't have to?
What kind of food would it be 'shocking' to admit that you don't like,in your state or city?
What was the first body part that made you feel old, and why?
Is it hard(er) for women to climax while rolling?
Quirky name that starts with an M for a boy
Finger Dipping? WTF?!
what's the longest you've forgotten to buy a necessity, and what "silly ways" did you cope?
Does anyone else experience chronic tendinitis?
What’s the one position you simply can’t do?
What should I name him?