Visiting columbus for the weekend in March
This is unacceptable. They should have to put a number on it for people to strive for.
How much do yall have saved?? I WILL GET FURINA (we all must) (this better be enough 😭
What’s something small that made you feel so euphoric?
I need to see your cats at their most ~whatever this is~
Would you ever switch to ICE?
X Gender Marker
Scared to renew passport?
why? Why. WHY! WHY OH GOD! F*CKING WHY!!!!!
800 mile round trip in my Chevy bolt
My US passport expires at the end of next year. Should I wait until Trump isn't president?
Is Kai a gender neutral / good name for a transfem? (shortened version of my fem name, Kaia.
Does anyone have a SIC with a tail that's completely flat underneath? It's hard to capture but I've never seen anything like it.
My Bolt broke my nose
Stonewall National Monument (U.S. National Park Service) Removed the Mention of Trans People
I bought a ‘23 Bolt the other day. Any ideas on why my grill cover is black and not white?
r/trans is not showing up on my feed as frequently as it used to.
Debating on trading in for 23 Bolt
Valentine's Day Express Pass Giveaway x10
Non binary people are non binary
My credit card got canceled for me being trans
Does it mean anything? Was quite surprised tbh
What Pro-Trump Businesses are you Avoiding or Boycotting?
Does anyone know what the round glasses that scream "I'm non-binary" are called? kinda like the ones in this pic (I love having an excuse to plug LiS)